Friday 29 November 2019


At that point, all I could think was "So what? Download it now and play with it. The great part about the tool is that as you use it, you continually calibrate it. It is very useful, but requires dedication to measuring your actual "actuals". This quote nails it for me. When the requirements are very different from past use-cases done in all projects, I just pick the closest one that comes to mind. construx estimate

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You can either split them down to more atomic tasks, or derive their cost from your own experience. Wednesday, May 09, conshrux Now this is a fine point missed by many: How to deal with them?

It's important that everyone on a project remember or be reminded regularly that targets are not estimates. It is a small program, which can be explored in 15 minutes. Download it now and play with it.

construx estimate

When estimating based on historical data, however, sometimes people use the historical estimate rather than the historical actual. Only one guy answered that he will ask his developers and his team lead to advise constrx on the estimate.

Estimating using Construx Estimate or IFPUG data

Where estimatte provious project hadsay five "Medium" data tables, the new project had 20 "Medium" data tables, and so on What to do now? Yeah, right, like I have nothing else to do.

Hi Scott, I started using Wideband Delphi in small project teams members after reading the article below. So, we start digging. Scott, You had me up until " even though it's written in VB6 and was created in ". I print it to PDF. I recently worked and am still working on a project that has been a thorn estimatw my side.

Estimating unknown - Eugene's Blog

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. Fearful programmer rstimate to impossible, hoping to keep job.

Patrick's been using the PlanningPoker technique for estimating lately. Friday, May 11, 6: Sunday, May 13, 6: Happy planning and estimatiing. They have the potential to cumulate Actual-Time-Taken-For-Each-Use-Case or User story, depending on the methodology used over a period of time for all past projects of the organization and can act as solid collaborative knowledge base of estimating similar use-cases and in turn similar projects over a estimatw of time.

construx estimate

It makes it easier to convince clients that your estimate is sound. But we know better than to rely on detailed design. The rest has provided equally nonsensical answers.

Estimating unknown

The great part about the tool is that as you use it, you continually calibrate it. My manager then explained that he was looking for a figure of 40 to 60 days!

Considering that optimism is a near-universal fact of human naturesoftware estimates are often undermined by what I think of as a Collusion of Optimists. Manager asks programmer for a worse case scenario. This gave me an effort estimate figure of several hundred days. It is frequently discussed topic and you can find a lot of references on the Net.

The only way to combat such complex systems is to use statistics. I'm looking forward to starting development work with my new employer in a few weeks.

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