Guardame las vacas and Conde claros , both in volume six. The collection begins with a preface, in which the composer dedicates the work to his patron Francisco de los Cobos. In the process of retranscribing and renotating the piece using LilyPond, I made some changes to fingering. Updated fingering and added guitar-specific legato. Apart from melodic variations, there are also two sets on ostinato harmonies: Roman numerals in parentheses are not original and are provided for convenience only.
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Guárdame las vacas (Otras tres diferencias) by Luys de Narváez
Volumes four to six have mixed content. If you have trouble with the left-hand fingering for the scale run in measure 22, you'll have to come up with an alternate fingering.
The second of the two songs is wrongly attributed to Gombert, it is a work of Jean Courtois. Confusion arises because the immediately following work in the original manuscript, Otras tres diferencias hechas por otra parteis not listed on the title page or index.
Julian Bream rectified this trend by recording guardxme two sets of variations separately, albeit on the lute. Updated fingering and added guitar-specific legato. The collection begins with a preface, in which the composer dedicates the work to his patron Francisco de los Cobos.

Over time we've come to associate the piece with the bass part only, which in A minor would be: If you can play Message in a Bottleyou shouldn't have a problem with the fingering. Other than the guitar-specific fingerings including left-hand legatothe music the notes themselves should now match exactly the original tablature. As you can tell from the revision history below, I've made other changes over time, eventually reverting two instances where I had added extra notes to form chords to make a note sound fuller.
Luis de Narváez - Wikipedia
It also does not change the key, leaving it in D minor. He is also notable for being the earliest composer for vihuela to adapt the contemporary Italian style of lute music.
Reverted note additions to measures 30 guarsame 33, leaving only notes occuring in original tablature. Renotated using LilyPond, making some notational improvements along the way. Instead, the title page refers to siete diferencias de guarda me las vacas. Contains notes and initial left-hand fingering.

Despite being in different keys, it is the descant that connects the two sets of variations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Although still a transcription and arrangement for the guitar and not a literal vihuela tablature transcription, this version should be more readable and somewhat truer to the original vihuela tablature.
Today, quatro is spelled cuatro. Each should be treated as a separate set of variations and not as part of a single combined piece.

Its basic structure consists of a repeating bass part [ 1 ] overlayed with a descant. They are characterized vacaw smooth, competent imitative writing in two and three voices.
Retrieved from " https: As usual, fingerings are only suggestions; you may ignore them and choose your own. Guardame las vacas and Conde clarosboth in volume six. Views Read Edit Vacss history.
Guárdame las vacas by Luys de Narváez -
The third volume of the collection is dedicated exclusively to intabulations of works by other composers: Roman numerals in parentheses are not original and are provided for convenience only. I've retained the previous version generated with Sibelius for those who want tablature or wish to compare Sibelius and LilyPond output.
At the time, the harmonic pairing of the bass part and the descant was associated with those names. Added slurs to measures 25— Apart guarame melodic variations, there are also two sets on ostinato guardane The original right-hand fingering was rather unnatural.
In the process of retranscribing and renotating the piece using LilyPond, I made some changes to fingering.
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